The leadership of the Ministry of Health (MoH) Yesterday 21st May, 2014. Met with the staff of Princess Christian Maternity (PCMH) to discuss ways of improving health service delivery with a specific focus on decrease maternal mortality.

This collective effort underscores the commitment of MoH’s desire to enhance health outcomes and to ensure the well-being of mothers and children.

In his address to the team at PCMH, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mustapha Kabba, said that upgrading and maintaining essential medical equipment is a critical need in ensuring the smooth functioning of health facilities.

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He stated that PCMH can now boast of adequate supply of necessary medications and other medical materials.

Dr. Kabba noted that; “to reduce maternal mortality, strong commitment from all parties is required to work towards this shared goal.”

According to Dr. Kabba, MoH recognizes that achieving the target of addressing maternal deaths requires sustained effort, partnership, and dedication.


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“Together, we can create a safer and healthier future for mothers and their families in our communities,” the Deputy Chief Medical Officer concluded.

The meeting concluded with an inspection of the ongoing renovation at the Out Patient Department (OPD), Pharmacy and the Laboratory.