Renown Sierra Leone Musician stage name Famous share some exciting news regarding his successful efforts in making payments to support wheelchair users and people with disabilities in meeting their daily needs.

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During his Freetown One Life concert, he made a commitment to donate to wheelchair users along Cotton Tree – Pademba Road Axis, Freetown.

He was very delightful to inform Sierra Leonean that his recent initiative has made a significant positive impact on the lives of these individuals, providing some financial help for their basic needs.

He stated “at Fame Entertainment we have always been committed to promoting inclusivity and ensuring equal opportunities for all members of society.

Recognizing the challenges faced by wheelchair users and people with disabilities, He launched an initiative aimed at making a donation to support their daily needs.

He Concluded by saying “We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the individuals, organizations, and stakeholders who have played a crucial role in the success of this initiative. The ongoing success of the One Life concert and Album lunch has enable us to provide such help,

We hope to keep this momentum ongoing and seek to support more groups in our communities’.