Barely a week ago, 10th May, 2024, we were greeted with the Great News that the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone (ACC-SL), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. has been overwhelmingly elected to serve as the Sub-Regional Representative of the Association of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Commonwealth Africa (AAACoA).

This is quite an uncommon feat for a not-so-big Country like Sierra Leone, to continue to win the trust of sister countries in Africa. But considering the remarkable gains and monumental strides made in the past six years of the fight against corruption under the competent leadership of the young and stouthearted Commissioner, this represents one of the many continued validations and approbations.

This assumption of responsibility to share knowledge and expertise at a continental level through the Sub-Regional representation was endorsed by 23 Commonwealth Member- States belonging to the AAACoA at the 14th Annual Conference in Accra, Ghana.

The Conference is part of the Association’s Collaborative Efforts by members and stakeholders to initiate worthy experience sharing exchange of ideas and best practices in a bid to foster partnership.

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Francis Ben Kaifala was hallowed by colleagues with questions like the one asked back in November 2022 by the Executive Secretary of National Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Agency in Guinea, Saikou Amadou Diallo, “How do you guys manage to be strong and powerful like this, and how do we learn from that”.

Commissioner Kaifala has served in distinguished capacities that include but not limited to; President of Network of Anti-Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA), Board Member, African Union Advisory Board on Corruption (AUABC), Executive Committe Member of the West African Regional Representative of the Association of Africa Anti-Corruption Authorities, among others.


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This undoubtedly presents him with a wealth of experience and represents a mark of excellence and uncanny admiration as a symbol of the distinguished position of Sierra Leone among its peers.