APC Leader Dr. Samura Kamara Receives Overwhelming Support at Eastern part of Freetown on Friday May 17th, 2024 Juma Prayers.

Dr. Samura Kamara, the charismatic leader and flagbearer of Sierra Leone’s All Peoples’ Congress (APC), experienced a remarkable outpouring of support during his attendance at Juma prayers in eastern Freetown today.

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The streets leading to the mosque were filled with enthusiastic supporters, eager to catch a glimpse of Dr. Kamara. The local imam and community members warmly embraced him, demonstrating the deep-rooted connection he shares with the people in this region.

This overwhelming display of support is a testament to Dr. Kamara’s widespread popularity and the trust that Sierra Leoneans place in his leadership. It reinforces the notion that he is a formidable contender.

The APC is confident that this groundswell of support will translate into sustained momentum. With Dr. Kamara at the helm, the party is poised to continue to usher in a new era of progress and prosperity for the grassroots.


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